Creation of MAJJ Avocats, an independant law firm 100% specialised in employment law
Mathieu Raio de San Lazaro, Julien Boucaud-Maitre and Juliette Pouyet have announced the creation of MAJJ Avocats, a specialist employment law firm, serving companies and their human resources departments.
The partners of MAJJ Avocats and their teams provide advice and litigation assistance for a client base made up of managers, SMEs and mid-tier firms, international groups, investment funds and business law firms.
With more than fifteen years’ experience in employment and social security law, Mathieu Raio de San Lazaro, Julien Boucaud-Maitre and Juliette Pouyet assist their clients in the day-to-day management of employment law issues, and in their strategic projects.
The partners’ complementary expertise lies behind their solid reputation in every area of employment law, both in individual and collective workplace relations.
They provide outstanding assistance and commitment in the handling of structuring transactions for their clients (reorganisations and M&A transactions).
The partners of MAJJ have worked together for many years and share the desire to combine their skills for the benefit of their clients, providing relevant, practical answers within an ever-changing legal environment.
The human factor is at the heart of their interactions both with their clients and their team.
The name of the firm is the acronym of their first names, and symbolises their close working relationship with their clients and team, who have been at their side for many years.
Mathieu Raio de San Lazaro (44 years old) holds a Post graduate degree in Labour Law (DESS Droit du Travail (University of Paris I La Sorbonne)) and a Post graduate degree in Social Law and Professional Relations (DEA Droit Social et Relations Professionnelles (University of Paris X Nanterre)). He began his career as an in-house legal counsel in international groups (transport and paper sector) before joining the firm Barthélemy et Associés. He then joined the firm Chassany Watrelot & Associés in 2004, and became a partner in 2011.
Julien Boucaud-Maître (43 years old) holds a Post graduate degree in Tax and Business Law (DESS Droit des Affaires et Fiscalité (University of Lyon III)) and a Corporate Lawyer Degree (DJCE Diplôme de Juriste Conseil d’Entreprise (University of Lyon III)). Before creating MAJJ Avocats in 2021, Julien had been practising at the firm Chassany Watrelot & Associés since 2003, and had been a partner there since 2009.
Juliette Pouyet (48 years old) began her career with the firm Fromont Briens & Associés. She then joined the firm Chassany Watrelot & Associés, and became a partner in 2002. Juliette holds a Post graduate degree in Private Law (DEA de droit privé (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne)).
Press contacts:
Agence Otto / Géraldine Otto
Email: gotto[@]agenceotto.com
Telephone: +33 (0)6 18 43 86 22